Akg N400 True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Anc Canal Type (Black)
AKG N400 True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones ANC Canal Type (Black)
Buy Now : AKG N400 True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones ANC Canal Type (Black)
Brand : AKG
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds,Earbud Headphones
Rating : 3.9
ListPrice : US $129
Price : US $129
Review Count : 303
SalesRank : 0
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AKG N400 True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones ANC Canal Type (Black)
- Airpod Pro killers. I don\'t say this lightly. I have been looking for Airpod Pro killers for a while, and believe I\'ve finally found them here. What is wrong with the Airpod Pros? They sound \"ok\". That\'s it. Everything else about them is great (ok maybe I\'d like enough battery life to get me from TSA checkpoint at airport 1 to the parking lot of airport 2, but I really don\'t mind charging for 10 minutes every 5 hours). But the sound quality is just ok. What I wanted was Airpod Pros with better sound, if that was even possible.I feel like I\'ve mostly found that here. The AKG N400s sound great. I have two sets of IEMs that I use regularly besides the N400 and Airpod Pros; Fiio FH5, and Moondrop Blessing 2. The Fiios are on a set of Bluetooth ear hooks (Fiio UTWS3), and the Moondrops are used wired.The N400s sound noticeably better than the Airpod Pros. This isn\'t like a little bit here or there, you don\'t have to listen really closely, it\'s readily apparent that there is more detail, more soundstage, more immersion. They are tuned to Harman, and so are a little bit more \"exciting\" than Airpod Pros, but I think the transducers are actually better, and possibly the electronics as well. They are bigger so none of that is too shocking. I\'m not going to go into more about sound, I just find them to sound much better.To my ears, the N400s sound very close to the Fiio FH5 on the Bluetooth ear hooks. FH5 are $200 wired IEMs that don\'t have an amplifier, a DAC chip, and a Bluetooth chip (or all of that on one chip), along with a battery, taking up space inside your ear, their only job is to sound good, and the N400 comes extremely close to sounding the same even with all of that other stuff included. Incredible.The N400 don\'t come close to the Blessing 2s, but if you are familiar with the Moondrops you know they are $320 wired IEMs that are regularly considered the best IEMs under $1,000, so that is expected. I include this just to demonstrate that I\'m not crazy or a shill.On that note, I have owned and listened to the N400s for several weeks now, this is not a first impression review. Everyone loves everything the day they get it. Those reviews are worthless. I\'ve had some time to think about these and I think they are awesome.What about the other stuff. Well, the Airpod Pros are mostly better at everything else, but these are so close that I choose them for the sound quality. The noise cancellation is good, I would say that the electronics are worse than the Airpod Pros, but they are more normal fitting IEMs and therefore get a better seal than Airpod Pros do, so the end result is the same.The \"transparency mode,\" here called \"ambient aware,\" is not as good as the Airpod Pros. There is a hiss that can be heard whenever its on, and you only hear it in this mode (so its not a Bluetooth hiss, its a hiss only in this mode). It does what it needs to do. If music is on its not a big deal, if music isn\'t on, take it out of your ears.The app is ok. It takes a few seconds to connect every time you open it. There is a full-up equalizer in there, which is great if you don\'t like the Harman tuning. Airpod Pros don\'t have an equalizer (that sound test thing where you pick between three profiles is not the same thing). Sometimes the app doesn\'t work. I almost never use the app though.The controls are also worse than the Airpod Pros, but I rarely use the controls. The \"taps\" work very well, the \"swipes\" don\'t. The problem is you don\'t have full control over what actions you assign to what inputs. Tapping the right ear starts/stops/answers calls, etc. That works great. Tapping the left ear does nothing, and can not be made to do anything. If you want to control noise cancellation from the earbuds, you have to assign it to a \"swipe\" on the left ear. This is extremely unreliable for me, it usually takes me 5-10 tries to get it to work, therefore it\'s useless because by then I\'ve taken it out of my ear. Fortunately, I almost never want a mode other than \"noise cancellation on,\" and the IEMs remember the previous setting. So mine live with it on and I don\'t bother changing it unless I\'m in the app. That works for me, but could be a dealbreaker if you want to switch between modes without going into the app. This is probably the biggest problem with the N400s.Changing volume is a similar swipe on the right bud, and works similarly poorly. I am so used to using my phone for volume from the Airpod Pros that I don\'t care about this at all, but I know a lot of people want to control volume from the buds. The phone has tactile volume buttons on it, and is in your pocket or nearby; I don\'t get why people want to change volume on their IEMs, but if that\'s you, maybe pass on the N400.The microphone is fine, you can make calls on it. It has DSP noise cancellation on the microphone that works well enough. Better than most things, worse than the Airpod Pros. These are for music first, and conference calls second, but I wouldn\'t hesitate to use them for that if they were what I had on hand.Battery life is also ok. 5 hours with noise cancellation on. If they die, put them in the case for 5 minutes, your ears can use the rest.Speaking of the case, there is a lot of words about how they go in the case backwards. If you\'re at a level where you can\'t perform the \"switch em around\" operation in your head on \"left and right,\" these may not be for you.They are pretty comfortable. They go in your ears deeper than Airpod Pros, but average for normal IEMs. They may be less comfortable for you if you can only tolerate the shallow fit of the Airpod Pros. But deeper fitting IEMs mean more passive noise cancellation, and a better seal for bass. It also means the volume can be lower and therefore the battery life can be better (not that it is here). One note on fit that I didn\'t realize until I got them; look at the picture, see that little wing on the top that looks like its to make the IEM from going airborne above 120mph? That is dumb. But it may be great for you if IEMs always fall out of your ear when you run or something. The good news is AKG includes multiple sets of wings that can replace that, and the smallest one makes it almost non-existant. So for me the racing spoiler is a point against these, but it came with a mitigation in the box, and may actually be a huge plus for others.So in conclusion, the sound quality is much better than the Airpod Pros, and the controls, interface, and functionality are a little bit worse. If that sounds like something you\'re looking for, this is for you. Also, shop around on price if you know what I mean. There is a mind-numbingly good deal for these exactly where you\'d expect to purchase AKG items made by AKG from AKG.
- the akg n400 earbuds is a great sounding earbud but has some problems outside of audiohere are some of my gripes with it1. latency is pretty bad. so whenever you watch a video it would be out of sync. its rather jarring2. i have yet to find a way to reconnect the earbuds to my phone when the case runs out of batteries3. the light indicator from the case is confusing. when you take out the right earbud from the case even if you leave the left earbud in there, the light indicator that shows its charging turns off. why??? so the first time i had them i wasn\'t sure if the left earbud was charging or not, prompting me to do a return4. firmware update keeps failing5. case is bulky and hard to pocket in jeanseven though i have a lot of problems with it i was able to overlook those, because of its sound... to me anyway is phenomenal. take note i am not an expert when it comes to sound and more of an average userin terms of sound, i really like it, i can distinguish and separate individual sound or instruments from each other making it fun to listen to songs with a lot of instruments and just appreciate it more.i like to play games, so the headphones i use for gaming has this quality to it that makes the audio from it sounds kinda far away or pretty close to you. when i use those headphones (philips shp9500) to listen to music i feel like a band is playing in a very small room, with me in the center, but with the akg n400 its rather in your face. im not saying that i hate it but i do prefer the former rather than the latter.of all the headphones (grado sr80e & philips shp 9500) and in ears (hifiman re400, audio-technica anc 33is, ve monks plus and kzpro) i used this ear buds has probably the most bass i have ever experience. the bass is pretty clean and not over powering the other sounds. also, the thump it makes is rather fast at least to my ears anyway, making the kick from a bass drum sounds more natural to me and less artificial.i really like songs with humans singing in it, so clarity is pretty important to me hence my previous purchases. so far re400 from hifiman is my favorite in ear buds and the akg n400s is close 2nd. both earbuds makes good rendition of voices, both female and male voices. but i feel like because of the re400 not having as much bass as the n400 the vocals from it seems lighter, colder and has this shimmering effect which is a good quality if you like to listen to electronic music. while the n400 has this warm-ish sound that gives this heavier vibrations. i find it excellent when listening to music with an acoustic guitar. they are both equally great in this regard its just i prefer the lighter, colder quality of re400 than the warmer n400. this is a very subjective thingabout the higher tingly sounds like you know the.... cymbals and stuff. theyre pretty good and they dont hurt my ears. they somehow give this brightish sound but also warm. the n400 has this quality to retain those vibrationy thingies coming from those cymbals. i dont know how to explain it but is there.over all the sounds that comes from the n400 is rather balance and seemingly warm natural which i think most people including me would enjoy...sorry for bad english. its not my native tongue
- Alright, straight off the bat. These sound NICE, no, not just nice...AMAZINGThey have great battery life and ive gotten them to last over 8 hours without going back into the charging case, and they hold their volume throughout the battery.The touch controls are nice, where you would expect it to be, but not intrusive or anywhere that would accidentally be tapped.But the problem for me was just, fitment, id like to say my ears are normal size for an 18 year old normal bodied dude, but no matter what size tips i put in, its either they fall out or just, hurt sometimes after long use...But thats where the little sureounding thing came in clutch to help it fit fine, but it seems like you gotta twist it in your ear canal so it stays still while walking around or eating.
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