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Audio-Technica Ath-E70 Professional In-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones

Audio-Technica ATH-E70 Professional In-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

  • Three balanced armature drivers provide accurate and extended response across the entire frequency range
  • Flexible memory cable loops over ears for a custom fit and long-wearing comfort
  • Specially designed housing provides maximum isolation, allowing you to focus on the music
  • Detachable cable offers exceptional durability and optimized audio performance
  • Includes a carrying case, silicone ear tips, Comply foam ear tips and 6.3mm (1/4\") plug-on adapter

Buy Now : Audio-Technica ATH-E70 Professional In-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

Brand : Audio-Technica
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds,Earbud Headphones
Rating : 4
Price : US $399
Review Count : 249
SalesRank : 0

audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones
audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones
audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones
audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones
audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones
audio technica ath e70 professional in ear studio monitor headphones

Audio-Technica ATH-E70 Professional In-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

  • Tienen un sonido muy bueno , balanceado pero son un poco incomodos.En lo personal las gomas que trae por defecto son un poco grandes para mi(sellan muy bien y el sonido es como a mí me gusta ,pero me lastiman después de 10 min) y las siguientes hacia abajo son muy pequeñas (son comodas y no me lastiman pero no sellan bien y los bajos se pierden casi por completo).En general tienen un sonido increíble para el precio, pero repito en mi persona, en mi tamaño de orejas ese es mi problema cómodos y mal sonido o increíble sonido y dolor de orejas (oreja no oído)
  • The law of diminishing return is well summarized in regards to purchasing earbuds. While these are very good earbuds and maybe even the best at this price point - you really aren\'t getting anything special at this price. As some other reviewers hinted at, these are very bright. The clarity of the high end is fantastic, but the clarity on the low end is about the same as you\'d get from a cheaper, 150 dollar earbud. In side by side listening, these iems sound very similar to my $100 Grado SR 80e headphones. Granted, these are earbuds, but you\'re essentially paying the additional $300 for the form factor. I will be unfortunately sending these back as the Shure 846s were more along the lines of what I was looking for.In summary, get cheaper earbuds in the 100-200 range or take the plunge and look towards the earbuds closer to 1000. You\'re just not getting anything spectacular in these. If these were 200, I\'d recommend them night and day. While they do sound marginally better than the 1more quad earbuds that I own, the improvement is genuinely marginal - and most people will probably prefer the sound of the much cheaper 1mores
  • I am finally finished with my search for a quality set of earbuds!! I was beginning to wonder if such an animal was even possible with this style of monitor. This is the 5th pair I have owned in the last 30 days and with each purchase and return I have had to add more money to the total amount trying to spend as little as possible to have the quality needed for a bass player to be able to track with on stage. I started out with the Shure 112 moving to the Shure Se215 immediately and then to the Audio Technica IM02 to the Future Sonic G10 and have now sunk more than I had ever thought reasonable into these Audio Technica ATH-E70\'s. They are the real deal but to me still seem overpriced. I am glad though at least I didn\'t have to spend stupid money like $3000 or even $1500 to get this quality of sound.So I just got these today but upon trying them out for just a little while I can tell right away that they are what I have been looking for. The sound is full and gives me everything I want to hear as a bass player. I can tell that they won\'t give me trouble falling out and can tell that they are made with extremely high build quality. The fit is amazing and I don\'t have to worry about them hurting my ears by pressing on my outer ear too much like the Shure se215\'s did. I am super happy with the product itself but just wish it came at a lower price point so I could refer the rest of my band members to them. You\'re not going to find your average worship team volunteer willing to sink $400 into a pair of earbuds but unfortunately to get a sound that makes you want to put them on that\'s how much it costs.... I challenge anyone to find a set that has the type of audio quality and range of deep all around sound that these have at a lower price.
  • All I can say is wow. As I retired audio engineer I know what good sound, sounds like. Neutral tone, open, nuanced. The best listening experience I\'ve had outside of $200k+ mastering studios with listening environments designed from the ground up by acoustic engineers. The low end response is remarkable - very deep, smooth, no detectable distortion, no discernible peaks or valleys in frequency response. Every recording I play thru these phones takes me to a completely unique, discrete place!I was able to use the included large size silicone ear tips for a perfect seal that doesn\'t shift when moving around or running. The over-ear, behind-the-back cable placement takes some getting used to, but is the best design in in-ear monitors I\'ve come across.My only criticism is the top end. It\'s crystal clear and extended, but at times seems like it\'s been rolled off a bit more than I would prefer. There are some types of detail I still find easier to hear on my Focal monitors or ProAc monitors. That said, I\'ll take what I\'ve got if it means less shrill tones and less ear fatigue. FWIW I haven\'t tried any aftermarket ear tips, which some people claim can alter the high end or low end response of this type of headphone. And from my (internet) research, I\'d be very hard pressed to find anything that suits my needs better for less than double or triple what I paid for these.Audio Technica knocks it out of the park again!
  • The flexible sections meant to wrap up and over the ears give me painful rashes and hives on any skin area they touch the following day.My ears are extremely inflamed and in pain, and I though it was because I had wrapped the cord too tightly up and over my ears. I then just had the cords dangle down along the sides of my face, and now I have rashes going down my temples.Just to continue experimenting, I wrapped the headphones around my left arm. The next day, my left arm had hives and itchiness.I repeated this on my right arm, and the next day, I got hives on my right arm.I do not know what on earth these are made out of, but I highly doubt it is simply silicon!Update (1 Week Later).This might as well be made out of fiberglass or anthrax.The swelling has almost fully subsided from my ears, however, there are painful itchy rashes radiating out from the patches of skin that came into contact with this section of the monitors.I cannot sleep at night, and am in constant pain and itchiness from this.I returned the item for a refund obviously, however, I greatly regret doing this.I should have incinerated the buds.

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