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Flowtime Tdcs Headset: Max Your Brain Power The Most Easy-To-Use Tdcs Device To Improve Focus, Memor

flowtime tdcs headset max your brain power the most easy to use tdcs device to improve focus memory mood performance in 1 minute

Flowtime tDCS Headset: Max Your Brain Power The Most Easy-to-use tDCS Device to Improve Focus, Memory, Mood & Performance in 1 Minute

  • tDCS technology would pull your focus concentrated on the task at hand. The study shows tDCS improved attention 58% after the participants wore tDCS devices for 30 minutes and became more focused Get you into the flow state of learning and master a new skill. tDCS improved memory 10% after the participants wore tDCS devices for 10 minutes
  • It uses a constant, low-intensity current to stimulate the brain by facilitating neurons to fire. It also helps to increase blood flow and oxygenation to nourish neurons. In the long run, it enhances synaptic plasticity to help you perform optimally. A lot of studies have shown tDCS would improve attention, memory, decision-making, and creativit
  • Current and Timer During Setup, tap to set the current just right for you. You could increase the current little by little till you reach 2mA at most. After setup, there is no need to open the app every time you start the stimulation unless you want to improve by increasing the current strength. The stimulation lasts 25 minutes and will turn off automatically
  • We designed the retractable arms and adjustable headphone loop for the perfect fit while sitting stably on your head. You can always extend your arm and adjust the angle of the ring to activate the right brain area you want

Buy Now : Flowtime tDCS Headset: Max Your Brain Power The Most Easy-to-use tDCS Device to Improve Focus, Memory, Mood & Performance in 1 Minute

Brand : Entertech
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds,Earbud Headphones
Rating : 2.6
Price : US $299
Review Count : 5
SalesRank : 0

flowtime tdcs headset max your brain power the most easy to use tdcs device to improve focus memory mood performance in 1 minute
flowtime tdcs headset max your brain power the most easy to use tdcs device to improve focus memory mood performance in 1 minute
flowtime tdcs headset max your brain power the most easy to use tdcs device to improve focus memory mood performance in 1 minute

Flowtime tDCS Headset: Max Your Brain Power The Most Easy-to-use tDCS Device to Improve Focus, Memory, Mood & Performance in 1 Minute

  • So I\'ve been into tDCS for about a decade now, and I use a Neuromyst device on a regular basis. The science is solid - tDCS works for me and for many others. Read the hundreds of peer reviewed studies before calling it snake oil. There are FDA devices on the market now that do the same thing as this device. Results are not instant, but you\'ll notice a meaningful difference with continued daily use of this device or the Neuromyst.The Flowtime tDCS headset is an interesting concept, but it has some serious bugs that prevent it from being a device that I would actually recommend.In terms of design, its great, assuming you\'re okay with being restricted in terms of montage and electrode placement. The headset\'s design makes it really easy to get proper placement, and its comfortable to wear. Compared to other devices, it definitely wins in terms of ease of use and comfort, so that\'s a huge plus for the Flowtime. The fact that its a cordless device is a bonus as well.But beyond that, its a frustrating device that feels more like a beta release than anything else.The first major problem, is the app - its a buggy piece of garbage. It took me three attempts to get the device\'s initial current set, since the app kept freezing while I was attempting to do so. And you can\'t use the device until you complete this step through the app, which as asinine requirement which I can\'t see any reason for. The device should ship ready to use, with the option to then download the app to customize current, not the other way around.The second major problem - and I do mean major - is that the app isn\'t available in the Google Play Store. I had to contact the manufacturer to ask for a download link since the instructions made no mention of this and simply said to download the app from the app store. FAIL. If I wasn\'t so invested in trying another tDCS headset, this would be an instant deal breaker for me. What\'s worse is that the download link takes you to an all Chinese webpage with no https cert (red flag, anyone?). But against my better judgement, I went ahead and downloaded the app from the sketchy Chinese download link.Third major problem - the app phones home CONSTANTLY. I have a firewall installed on my Android and I closely monitor all connections any app might be trying to make. This one is a huge offender, instantly trying to connect with dozens of remote servers for unknown reasons. If you turn off data access for the app it won\'t work.WHY THE EFF DOES THE APP NEED INTERNET ACCESS IN ORDER TO MAKE A BLUETOOTH CONNECTION WITH THE HEADSET?????Just. Plain. UNACCEPTABLE.Final fatal flaw... but I continued with my testing of the device.Once I was finally able to get the device to pair with my phone and get the initial current set up, I was able to use the device without the app. Great. That\'s how it should have been right out of the gate. But the issues with the headset persist, with the biggest problem being that the headset is constantly complaining about \"poor headset contact, please press down\". Doesn\'t matter how wet or not not wet the pads are and how well placed I have them, the headset will start and stop current at least two times per session for no reason. Can you say annoying? Ugh....This thing is well designed (except for the one button which is impossible to find with your fingers while wearing it), well packaged, and extremely comfortable. But man, this thing drives me crazy!!!! For $299, you\'re way better off just getting a Neuromyst for half the price. This is a beta release at a premium price - not ready for primetime, not worthy of my time.PASS.
  • So this is quite an expensive device. This makes this review relatively difficult. I’m going to divided into two parts. One will be the device itself and the associated software. The other will be the results as in the effects this device is supposed to provide.Be aware just because I don’t notice any difference or you don’t notice any difference, that the placebo effect is a very real thing and will be experienced by approximately 30% of the people that use this. So worst case scenario, one out of three people are going to see an improvement in their memory or mood or overall mental function simply because they believe that they will. This is not superstition this is science.That being said let’s start with the hardware. This thing is an extremely well-made and finally put together device. The hardware definitely feels of quality. The fit and finish definitely speak premium. The electrodes seem to be very well-made and they have well designed magnetic caps to hold the conductors in. The headband and the arms are also quite well constructed. You’re just looking at a first class piece of hardware here. And this is good because this thing is not cheap. It also comes with a few accessories. They probably should’ve included more extra sponges, that’s what serves as the conductor and a little squirt bottle for the saline that you make. Given that you use salt water on this and that always dries up to be crusty I’m surprises thing didn’t come with a microfiber cleaning cloth because every bad thing comes with a microfiber cleaning cloth these days and it would’ve actually been exceptionally handy in this case. But it’s not like I don’t have a ton of them on hand.The app is very simple to use and there are no difficulties in connecting to the device. This was designed to be extraordinary Lee simple to use and streamlined. At once you set up your preferred current you don’t even need to use the app. Strangely enough the only difficulty I experienced was finding the power button. This thing is very Applewhite and its ability to hide all of its ports and buttons.So we’re definitely looking at a five star piece of hardware here.Let’s go onto the effects. You definitely feel the electric current and you can raise the level to the point of it being extremely uncomfortable. It can create flashing in the eyes presumably by stimulating the optic nerve with electrical impulses. So you know the device is doing some thing. But the instructions give you very little information in terms of what to expect, how long for the effects to present and how long do they last. And in fact there is none of this information. I’ve only been using this device for a couple of days but I don’t feel any difference whatsoever except for a little bit of itchiness at my temples where I’ve been zapping my head with electricity.This device is certainly not relaxing and it is not some thing that gives me a feeling of peace or ease like a massager would. And that’s OK because the treatment isn’t necessarily supposed to be fun or even comfortable. I’m more concerned with creating a lasting effect from the treatment. And I’m just not getting anything. Nor do I have any information if it’s supposed to take a week or two weeks or One minute I think it says in the listing. I definitely didn’t get anything out of one minute. I suspect the two out of three people are going to feel like they wasted $300. And one out of three people are going to feel like they found the most magical device in the world that will solve all of their ills and change their life for the better.All I can say is these are better than lottery odds.From my own experience with the device as well as my considerable life experience I’m going to have to call this snake oil. Beautifully packaged and well-made snake oil, but snake oil nonetheless.
  • I recently purchased this tDCS headset designed to improve focus and found it to be well-made and easy to use. The headset itself is sturdy and comfortable, with a design that allows for flexibility and adjustability.The accompanying app for iPhone is also very intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to customize settings and track progress. However, I must admit that I am not 100% sure if the headset is actually improving my focus or not.While I have noticed some minor improvements in my ability to concentrate and stay focused, it is difficult to determine whether these changes are due to the tDCS headset or simply my own efforts to improve my focus. As a result, I am giving this product a middle-of-the-road rating of 3.5 stars.Overall, if you\'re interested in trying out tDCS technology to improve your focus and concentration, this headset is a high-quality and user-friendly option. However, it\'s difficult to say for certain whether or not it will work for everyone, so keep your expectations realistic.
  • We got this for my husband to use.It arrives in a box, needing t be connected to an app.It comes with directions that are understandable.The problem is that the app is no available.This requires an app that can not be found.It seems to be made well.The unit itself seems sturdy.It is a shame it is not ready to use.We would not buy this again.

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