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Nokia Bh-905i Bluetooth Headset - Black

nokia bh 905i bluetooth headset black

Nokia BH-905i Bluetooth Headset - Black

  • Bluetooth-enabled headphones for music and mobile conversation; twin speech microphones
  • Hear clear music and calls with multi-microphone noise cancellation for blocking out noise on planes, trains, and more
  • Great comfort with adjustable headband and soft supra-aural ear pads; wear wireless or wired with a wide range of music players
  • Up to 15 hours of talk time with active noise cancellation (24 hours of talk time without noise cancellation)
  • What's in the Box: headset, charger, carrying case, user guide, and wide array of cables and adapters

Buy Now : Nokia BH-905i Bluetooth Headset - Black

Brand : Nokia
Category : Electronics,Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories,Headphones & Earbuds
Rating : 3.7
Review Count : 132
SalesRank : 0

nokia bh 905i bluetooth headset black

Nokia BH-905i Bluetooth Headset - Black

  • I have now had the BH-905i for just over a week. I use them in conjunction with my iPad2, Iphone 3G (iOS 4.2.1, Jailbroken), my PC and TV (with a BT transmitter). These are my first Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) headphones and I\'ve primarily been a user of the mid-range in-ear Sony EX headphones and Apple\'s own buds (ewww).Audio qualityI\'m not an audiophile nor am I striving for the `bassiest\' sound I can get. I really don\'t have the inclination to do any empirical testing. Subjectively they sound as good as my Sony EX-51s and more importantly I cannot discern any difference between the wired and BT audio quality. Bass levels are solid without being overdriven and the treble is clear. I\'m reliably informed by my partner that call quality is excellent and undiscernible from a handset call. I certainly didn\'t feel the need to raise my voice or cup my hand over my mouth to conduct a conversation even in busy cityscapes or department stores.The width of the sound isn\'t up to the standard of your higher end Koss or Sennheiser over-ear ANC phones but that\'s reflected in the \"you get what you pay for\" equation.As for ANC I do not have any previous experience with them so if you\'ve owned some in the past then this review may/may not help you. Impressed with the dampening of low-freq noise such as aircon, crowd & street noise etc. The phones did a good job, much better than the passive blocking of in-ear plugs. There is a very small amount of hiss when ANC is on with no audio but it disappears after that. I didn\'t find the noise too disconcerting, it wasn\'t as loud as my base-level of tinnitus!There were some artefacts introduced into the audio during my bus commute when I was sitting directly above a VERY loud diesel engine. The vibration of the engine noise on revving also caused the audio to \"vibrate\". Sudden low frequency road noise (potholes, speed bumps) would occasionally re-transmit as amplified \"bangs\" through the headphones. The above artefacts were annoying but were handled by momentary disabling of the ANC. A later bus ride on the same but at the far end from the engine compartment bus failed to repeat the artefacts beyond some reduced \"banging\".FunctionalityThe headset is easy to set up and use if you\'ve ever set up a BT accessory in the past. It paired without error in A2DP mode with all my gadgets in turn. On my Apple stuff all buttons were functional although the volume control did not adjust the device volume but rather added a second layer of levelling over the incoming audio. I have only briefly toyed with the bass boost and widening modes, both of which appear to work.I have gotten the phones to simultaneously connect to my iPad2 (A2DP) and my iPhone 3G (hands free) and it works as advertised with audio from the iPad being paused for the duration of calls using the phone. BUT it turned out my phone would not relinquish A2DP. Used Bluetooth Profile Selector from Cydia (free) to disable A2DP in my phone\'s BH905i BT profile. After cycling Bluetooth on all devices it now works. I suspect this is more Apple\'s fault than Nokia\'s...On a few occasions I\'ve had the audio (but not the underlying BT connection) cut out after a minute or two, especially when receiving audio from an application rather than iPod audio, corrected by cycling the BT power on the headphones. Once I\'d gotten past this initial period I\'ve not had any dropouts.Range is solid, I can walk around my brick-walled house and stay connected up to about 8m before the sound starts to pause but it never dropped the BT link altogether. If you like to use these headphones in bed to spare your partner the noise they are great, with little sound leakage. One caveat however is that the blinking indicator LED is lighthouse-bright in the dark.Comfort/ErgonomicsThe BH905i fitted very comfortably and the soft on-ear cups are well designed for extended use. I\'ve already fallen asleep twice whilst wearing them! It definitely won\'t stay put during vigorous exercise beyond more than a gentle trot, keep those old earbuds handy for workouts.Cautionary word: I\'m a male with a pretty large head and I have not had reason to expand the headband more than a tiny little bit. I can foresee that people with inferior cranial diameter may have cause to try for size before they buy, just sayin\'.The controls, all on the right cup save for the ANC switch, are easy to locate and use and have a nice positive feedback click for the most part.As to the `look\' they are very compact considering the features list. The complaints of BH905 users about the \"Shrek\" headband have been remedied by removing the kink in the headband for the 905i.The carrying case is quality but is massive and eats up a lot of my commute cargo space. I\'ll be leaving it for longer trips and for storage. The supplied cables and adaptors are comprehensive and good quality. Appreciated also is the small zip pouch for all the cables which fits inside the case.Value/Final ThoughtsClearly the BH-905i are cheaper than the competitor products from Sennheiser, Koss etc. But they feel and sound like a quality set of phones and are a great set of all-in-ones.If you\'re contemplating cutting the cord and dabbling with active noise cancelling, I can personally recommend the Nokia BH-905i.
  • I want to preface this review by addressing an issue that I, and apparently many others, have encountered upon receiving a pair of 905i\'s. I had read that quite a few other folks had received a pair that basically worked for 2-3 days then mysteriously died. I thought to myself that there are always lemons in any product line and I didn\'t let that stray me from purchasing the product. Well low and behold, I happened to get what \'appeared\' to be a lemon. After 2-3 days of moderate use all of the bluetooth connectivity, status lights, sound...basically everything stopped working except strangely enough the ANC still worked. Great, I got a lemon. I immediately filled out an RMA through Amazon and they promptly sent me a new pair. This set maybe lasted an hour longer before they suffered the same mysterious fate as their predecessor. At this point I was getting frustrated so I started digging online and I found nothing on Nokia\'s website addressing this issue. Now I was beyond bewilderment and staring at two 905i\'s, neither working, so I decided to contact Nokia\'s tech support directly. They responded within 24 hours by email and asked me to ship one of the defective units to their warranty dept. and they would ship me a new one. Huh? So I can get another dud? It was at this stage that I was seriously considering one of the ludicrously priced Seinnheiser products with similar features.With one last ditch effort I decided to blow through the online world of BLOG-ness and hi-fi posts, reviews, comment threads, etc to see if ANYONE had experienced this issue. After hours of blundering about I found a comment way down on a BH-905 comment thread where someone had this issue and basically held the Multi-Function button, Rewind, and Vol Down button simultaneously for 15 seconds and voila...reboot!!!! Believe it or not, I tried it on both pairs I have here and it did the trick. Ironically enough, I\'ve been using both pairs rigorously for a week now to see which one I should return if one set seems to be more problematic than the other and the issue has not resurfaced once!! Thank you BLOGEES and BLOGETTES!!!! Problem solved!!!Now on to the review....When these dogs are working...they are un-matched in most regards. I have had almost every set of bluetooth cans on the market on my head at some point or another and I own quite a few to boot. These are hands down the best sounding set by a landslide. They feel and sound very natural in their sound space and the bass is more than satisfactory for any set of headphones. They get plenty loud, and I\'ve heard many people complain about this shortcoming and faulting headsets when often times volume limit is a function of the phone/mp3 player putting out the source feed over bluetooth. For example, my iPhone 4 caps out most of my other headsets to the point where I might as well hook up the wire but if I bluetooth from my computer or stereo receiver via the Jabra A120S (universal bluetooth dongle)they blast!! The Jabra is a superb little unit for $20 btw, highly recommend. With that said, these are the loudest pair I own when connected to the iPhone over bluetooth. They are actually acceptable as I like my music LOUD. Other sets I currently have include the Motorola S-305, Motorola S-805, and the Motorola S10-HD.ANC works well, the headphones are extremely light and comfortable if not too loose fitting as they do slide around on the head a bit. Don\'t bend over, they WILL end up on the ground. Battery life is phenomenal. For the most part I am extremely satisfied. I probably have the same complaints as others regarding the proprietary charger and no swappable battery but these are minor gripes for the product you get. Also the leather carrying case is nice and the slew of adapters and cables would cost you $50-$60 alone if you went on a Radio Shack shopping spree.Bottom Line...BUY EM, YOU WON\'T BE DISSAPPOINTED!!! Just remember the REBOOT trick mentioned above if they lock up during break-in period and you\'ll be fine!Jay

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